Revolution Watch Podcast Ep. 16: rolex replica watches Scheufele

This week's guest is rolex replica watches Scheufele. He is also the co-President at Chopard with his sister Caroline. Mr. Scheufele was able to make a special trip to Hong Kong for Chopard's local launch of the Chopard Alpine Eagle Watch.rolex replica watches This was a very special project for the Scheufele Family. It was a project that span three generations. Revolution was delighted to have Mr. Scheufele share the process and fun details about it. What inspired the name Alpine Eagle? To find out, you'll need to tune in.

He also talked about his childhood in Geneva, Chopard and the beginnings of Chopard, his vision for Chopard's watch department, and his passions -- including building up Ferdinand Berthoud, racing with Jacky Ickx,Audemars Piguet Replica Watches and his winery. We had a great time chatting with Mr. Scheufele, and hope you enjoy our conversation with him.

Show notes

(00:00) Introduction

(00:58), LVMH purchases Tiffany & Co.

(03:44). The FP Journe astronomic souveraine

(07:27). Our conversation with Karl Friedrich Scheufele

(39:26) Outro

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